Every business in every industry wants to increase their conversion rate. There isn’t a marketer or business owner out there that doesn’t have this on their daily agenda. Getting traffic to convert is one of the main objectives in any business owner’s marketing plan. Luckily, there are many avenues and best practices out there that guide you on how to achieve this goal. This article will outline 3 ways to improve your conversion rate.
1. Make Yourself Credible with Reviews and Testimonials
Testimonials and positive reviews are a great way to gain credibility in your industry and field. Displaying helpful testimonials from satisfied customers on your website will certainly make you and your company shine. Showing that you are a trusted source for vital information gives new visitors a chance to see that a relationship can be built with your company. These visitors will see that other clients have had positive experiences working with you and may even help them find answers they are looking for. In today’s world, most online customers read testimonials so make sure you use genuine reviews that will help boost conversions.
2. Focus on your call to actions.
It’s important to make sure you are making good use of your cta’s. CTA’s direct visitors to a specific action such as “Book a Meeting” or “Add to Cart”. You want to ensure that you are experimenting with different CTA texts to see what works best for your brand. According to an article form Hubspot.com, “Personalized Calls to Action Convert 202% Better.”
3. Tell visitors exactly what they are going to get.
According to an article from Entreprenuer.com, you should “provide visitors with absolutely everything they need to know about your product: What are the features and benefits? What does it look like? What are the possible uses? Who will benefit most from it? How will it be delivered?” If you’re honest with your visitors and what they are expecting, it’s more likely that they will develop a trust for your company and will be open to submitting their information if they know they are going to get what they are looking for.
Learning how to convert quality leads into customers doesn’t always have to be a difficult process. Converting leads in digital marketing is all about finding what works best for you and your brand. Develop a checklist and try out a variation of techniques and see what works best for your company. If you market your products/services the right way, your visitors and customers will eventually turn into your clients. Sooner than later, you’ll begin producing profitable revenue for your company. Follow the first three steps listed in this article and you’ll be well on your way to a great start with improving your conversion rate.