How to Write Shareable Content

How to Write Shareable Content

Creating content for your brand is a big task that requires many resources. To ensure you get enough eyes on your content, it needs to be shareable. Shareable content quickly spreads around the internet and provides maximum exposure to the brand behind the ideas and information. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to create shareable content – and you don’t have to be a big brand to be successful. Follow these tips below, do some trial and error to see what works for your audience and watch your content reach new heights! 

Tips for Crafting Shareable Content for Your Brand 

Before we share our tips, we do want to point out that you want your brand to go viral for the right reasons. As we’ve seen before, content can make or break a brand’s image. Avoid inappropriate, offensive or unrelated content that can send the wrong message about your brand. Instead, focus on content that follows these guidelines.

Select topics that spark an emotional reaction. 

Successful content sparks an emotional reaction in readers. Content that achieves this is more likely to be shared, even if it creates negative emotions like anger or anxiety. For example, your brand could bring a sensitive topic to light and explain what you are doing to change things for the better.

Keep in mind that negative emotions like anger can spread like wildfire, and you don’t want this to negatively impact your brand. So, be mindful of the emotions you’re looking to bring out. When in doubt, stick to more positive affections that your customers will feel good about. 

Perform competitive research.

It’s always a good idea to know what your competitors are up to. By performing a competitive analysis, you can learn a lot about what works for other businesses. As long as you’re not copying your competitors, it’s completely acceptable to do some spying. 

Here are a few tips to help this research go more smoothly: 

  • Keep tabs on your top 3-5 competitors. What social channels are they using? Are you using the same channels? 
  • Look at what your competitors have published over the past 6 months. Are they focusing on blogs, videos or infographics? What formats see the best engagement? 
  • Evaluate the type of engagement your competitors are receiving. Are the responses positive or negative? Why types of feelings and emotions are being elicited? 
  • Use this information to create your own content. You want your content to stand out from the competition, and of course, be the best out there.

Make sure your content is useful and helpful.

People read content to learn new things and make their lives easier, not just to pass the time. So, be sure that your content always provides something useful for the reader. This will keep them coming back for more because your material is guaranteed to offer something valuable. 

Plus, when you share helpful information, people are more likely to share it with others. This is a fast and easy way to give friends and family updated advice that will improve their lives. For example, can your product be used for other unique purposes? Is there a specific ingredient you want to cover in more depth? 

Utilize SEO to solve customer challenges. 

Perform keyword research so that you know what types of words and phrases are useful and informative to your readers. Great tools to use for this research include Ahrefs, MOZ and SEMRush. All you need to do is look up the topics you’re interested in writing about and see how often people are searching for them. 

By including the proper keywords in your content, it will be easier for your audience to find your content and have their questions answered. This step also saves time, as you can focus on covering topics that your audience cares about. 

Use storytelling to capture attention. 

Storytelling is an important element in content creation because it helps your readers relate to the material. For example, if you want to share some background information on how your business came to be, you can make it more interesting by telling a memorable story. 

When using storytelling for marketing purposes, here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • Introduce the problems your audience is experiencing 
  • Explain the solutions you have to solve these challenges 
  • Show and/or tell your audience how they can take action by buying your products and services 
  • Include a beginning, middle and end 

Of course, be careful not to push your products onto anyone. You want this to be a soft sell. Always keep your audience’s best interests at heart and show them how your products and services can improve their lives. 


When writing content, you should always have the share factor in mind. By following the tips above, you can be more successful in writing shareable posts and articles. Before hitting the “publish” button, be sure to ask yourself if you would share it! If so, you’re on the right track! 

Author: Cassandra Boyce

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